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Call for Papers:



Call for Papers:

The next meeting of the LACEA/ IADB/ WB/ UNDP Network on Inequality and Poverty (NIP) will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil at the Department of Economics at PUC-RJ on November 19, 2008.

The NIP is an initiative that aims to advance the state of knowledge and expertise regarding the causes and consequences of poverty, inequality, and social exclusion, as well as the whole range of policies, institutions, and social structures that influence their dynamics, as well as the impact of public action.

Contributions are invited in tree broad themes, though not exclusively:

(i) The impact of food and energy price increase on the poor;
(ii) Geography and Poverty / Spatial issues and poverty;
(iii) What explains the recent changes in Poverty and Inequality in LAC.

The meeting program will include a keynote address from François Bourguignon former Chief Economist of the World Bank and Director of the Paris School of Economics, and papers selected on the basis of academic merit, each with a formal discussant.

Submitted papers will be reviewed by a program committee, which includes members of the Executive Committee of the Network. Papers should be sent by October 1, 2008. Authors of the selected papers will be notified through email on October 15, 2008. Strict compliance with these deadlines is required.

Papers (Word and PDF files) and any inquiries concerning the meeting should be sent by e-mail to: João Pedro Azevedo (NIP Chairman) at and to the NIP Secretariat at

For more information, please visit IETS Website.